The stories in See Rock City are about people winning out despite the challenges they encounter. The cast includes cosmically challenged hippie wannabes scamming to buy a minor league baseball team, an allegedly murderous beach bum carving mermaids i...
Ember of the Great River people was a carefree young woman living in a small tribe in prehistoric Germany when a sign from the gods sends her on an epic quest to the ends of the world, where the Sun sets Armed with only her fishing spear, obsidian d...
Ember thought she had found a home when an attack upon her new village causes her to leave for the True South, a land where the warm winds always blow. She carries with her a magical necklace of fertility and the hopes of many people. From shark atta...
Ember and Brig'dha prepare for a journey to the ancient city of Yarehk (Jericho) to deliver a prized copper knife. Far to the East on the shores of the Indus River, a river priestess hides her young daughter and flees persecution from her own people ...