In the Big House, a mysterious movie studio in Astoria, Queens, down-and-out reporter Igor Lopes agrees to rewrite the script of a movie for Marilyn Monroe, Orson Welles, Sydney Greenstreet, and a cast of other great stars...
Through light drama and dark humor, employing a spectrum of sales personalities and products in realistic as well as fantastic situations, these 18 stories explore how our personal, family and social lives can be distorted by the 24/7 onslaught of sa...
Profane Feasts, 13 stories by Tom Tolnay, is a sequence of thirteen story-chapters focusing on a family of Greek immigrants who settled in Brooklyn, New York in the 1970s, with their misadventures extending up to the present day. With humanistic and ...
Love in the Shadows of Mountains eavesdrops on the love lives of Adirondack residents and visitors, detailing what happens among lovers while camping, hiking, fishing, snowshoeing, canoeing, or merely getting from one day to the next. These short fic...
While farce is essentially a theatrical mechanism, in this book far-fetched measures are rendered in fictional prose through the idiosyncratic perspectives of a life-long librarian, Eric Binde, in Bradstreet, Massachusetts, and a part-time high schoo...