“Robbins’s comic philosophical musings reveal a flamboyant genius.” -- PeopleStill Life with Woodpecker is a sort of a love story that takes place inside a pack of Camel cigarettes. It reveals the purpose of the moon, explains the difference ...
“This is one of those special novels -- a piece of working magic, warm, funny, and sane.” -- Thomas PynchonThe whooping crane rustlers are girls. Young girls. Cowgirls, as a matter of fact, all “bursting with dimples and hormones” -- and the...
Jitterbug Perfume is an epic. Which is to say, it begins in the forests of ancient Bohemia and doesn't conclude until nine o'clock tonight (Paris time). It is a saga, as well. A saga must have a hero, and the hero of this one is a janitor wit...
A stunningly original semicomic thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of Still Life with Woodpecker “Written with a style and humor that haven’t been seen since Mark Twain.” -- Los Angeles TimesWhat if the Second Coming didn’t q...
An Arab and a Jew open a restaurant together across the street from the United Nations....It sounds like the beginning of an ethnic joke, but it's the axis around which spins this gutsy, fun-loving, and alarmingly provocative novel, in which a bean c...
When the stock market crashes on the Thursday before Easter, you -- an ambitious, although ineffectual and not entirely ethical young broker -- are convinced that you’re facing the Weekend from Hell. Before the market reopens on Monday, you’re go...
“As clever and witty a novel as anyone has written in a long time . . . Robbins takes readers on a wild, delightful ride. . . . A delight from beginning to end.” -- Buffalo NewsSwitters is a contradiction for all seasons: an anarchist who works f...
Imagine that there are American MIAs who chose to remain missing after the Vietnam War. Imagine that there is a family in which four generations of strong, alluring women have shared a mysterious connection to an outlandish figure from Japanese folkl...
Known for his meaty seriocomic novels"expansive works that are simultaneously lowbrow and highbrow"Tom Robbins has also published over the years a number of short pieces, predominantly nonfiction. His travel articles, essays, and tributes to acto...
A Children's Book About Beer? Yes, believe it or not--but B Is for Beer is also a book for adults, and bear in mind that it's the work of maverick bestselling novelist Tom Robbins, internationally known for his ability to both seriously illuminat...
Internationally bestselling novelist and American icon Tom Robbins delivers the long awaited tale of his wild life and times, both at home and around the globe.Tom Robbins’ warm, wise, and wonderfully weird novels—including Still Life Wit...