In this epic thriller, a secret with shocking consequences is buried deep in the Middle Eastern desert A remarkable discovery has been made in the far reaches of Kurdistan. A Western archaeological team has unearthed the oldest human civilization-...
When David Martinez, a young lawyer, receives an ancient map from his dying grandfather, the mysteries of his past begin to open up before him. The map leads David into the heart of the dangerous Basque mountains, where a genetic curse lies buried a...
From the internationally bestselling author of The Genesis Secret-a seductive, exotic new thriller In the silent caves beneath France, young archaeologist Julia Kerrigan unearths an ancient skull-with a hole bored through the forehead. After she r...
From Templar Knights to Mexican drug cartels, Tom Knox returns with an electrifying new novel Journalist Adam Blackwood is chasing down the story of a lifetime -- the world’s foremost Templar historian has committed suicide in Edinburgh, leaving...
A gripping high-concept thriller for fans of Dan Brown and Sam Bourne from the author of The Genesis Secret and The Marks of Cain. In the silent caves of deepest France, young archaeologist Julia Kerrigan unearths an ancient skull, with a hole bored ...