The second installment in the chronicles of Isambard Smith - Captain in the service of the British Space Empire - and of his android pilot Polly Carveth and loyal and noble friend the psychopathic alien headhunter, Suruk. Tea... a beverage brewed fro...
Tea . . . a beverage brewed from the fermented dried leaves of the shrub Camelli sinensis and imbibed by all the great civilizations in the galaxy's history; a source of refreshment, stimulation, and, above all else, of moral fiber -- without which t...
In the 25th Century the British Space Empire faces the gathering menace of the evil ant-soldiers of the Ghast Empire hive, hell-bent on galactic domination and the extermination of all humanoid life. Isambard Smith is t...
From the depths of Space a new foe rises to do battle with mankind: the British Space Empire is threatened by the lemming-people of Yull, ruthless enemies who attack without mercy, fear, or any concept of self preservation. At the call of their war g...
Attention Blackadder, Python, and Red Dwarf fans: Isambard Smith and his loyal and noble friend, the psychopathic alien headhunter, Suruk, are back in a fourth laugh-out-loud installment
In the 25th centur...
Captain Isambard Smith and his crew are back for a fifth adventure fighting alien foe in the 25th-century British Space Empire The lemming men of Yullia are rushing headlong towards the cliffs of destiny, and they intend to take the British S...
The empire of the ant-people is beginning to crumble. As the British Space Navy prepares to invade the Ghast home world, the Secret Service comes up with a daring plan -- the assassination of Number One, the small and furious dictator of the Ghasts. ...