London residents for only four years after emigrating from China, Chen and his family are caught between their ambitions to succeed and the demands of a Triad society which controls the Chinese community...
Two young American jettison their careers to start an irreverent weekly paper, in this novel about corruption, greed, race, love, and treachery in Macao and Canton during the Opium Wars of the nineteenth century...
Wallace Nolasco, married to the totally unsuitable May Ling, is to serve as a tool for the machinations of his despotic Chinese father-in-law, but instead he westernizes his dim-witted wife who, in turn, hopelessly divides her family...
Two young American jettison their careers to start an irreverent weekly paper, in this novel about corruption, greed, race, love, and treachery in Macao and Canton during the Opium Wars of the nineteenth century...