The birth of Christ never occurred. It should have, the elders insist. But it didn't. Some say old Jupiter prevented it the night he descended to seize power in Rome. Others whisper of the Dark Prince, whose minions have grown even as God the Creator...
In this vivid and compelling novel, Tim Murphy follows a diverse set of characters whose fates intertwine in an iconic building in Manhattan’s East Village, the Christodora. The Christodora is home to Milly and Jared, a privileged young couple with...
“A sprawling tale of love, family, duty, war, and displacement. It is above all a stinging indictment of the ill-fated war in Iraq.” -- Khaled Hosseini, #1 New York Times"bestselling author The bright and driven daughter of a Boston-area Irish...
“A tender-hearted novel and a dream to read. I loved this book.” -- Matt Haig #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Midnight Library“so so so so good…[Speech Team] is a MUST…It has all the feels and brilliant writing to boot.” ...