Marcy Ashbrook, a teen of Twisted Oak, Florida, is being accused of murdering three high school girls. However, the situation only worsens when the town’s sheriff summons the FBI for assistance. What follows is an arduous and unorthodox supernatura...
Introduce young children to essential Chinese words and phrases while getting to know the adorable Bosley Bear. A must-have for any bilingual household or classroom.
Use these words and phrases around the house and in the classroom. Learn names of...
“Why don’t the other animals understand me when I talk?” he asks. Join Bosley as he discovers the power of communication and how to open up a new world of possibilities by learning how the other animals talk.
Bosley learns patience a...
Join the iconic five Kung-Fu animals as they learn and develop their kung fu skills in ancient China. "Little Dragon" is out to deal revenge on a nasty lion who wronged his friend "Little Panther." It's a long road, a hard lesson, and a close call fo...