In this collection of stories, Tim Gautreaux chronicles the lives of "ordinary" people who face extraordinary circumstances and decisions: a farmer faced with the prospect of raising his infant granddaughter; a young man who falls in love with a voic...
“A mighty first novel, told with cinematic grip . . . Gautreaux himself takes the next step in the moody, sweet dance of southern literature.” -- GQBringing the same light and gentle understanding that he did to the story collecti...
A master storyteller's triumphant, moving collection about lost souls, found love, and rediscovered traditionTim Gautreaux returns to the form that won him his first fans, with tales of family, sin, and redemption: from a man who realizes his grandch...
In his critically acclaimed new novel, Tim Gautreaux fashions a classic and unforgettable tale of two brothers struggling in a hostile world.In a lumber camp in the Louisiana cypress forest, a world of mud and stifling heat where men labor under back...
Sam Simoneaux's troopship docked in France just as World War I came to an end. Still, what he saw of the devastation there sent him back to New Orleans eager for a normal life and a job as a floorwalker in the city's biggest department store, and to ...
A petty thief is bested by a widow and her card-playing friends; a farmer must cope with raising his baby granddaughter; a train engineer inadvertently causes a major disaster and finds himself amidst a media frenzy; a young man falls in love with a ...
A Vintage Shorts “Short Story Month” Original Selection These kinds of calls come with the territory. One evening, when the temperature in Minnesota drops way below zero and the winds howl, the furnace man Mel Todd gets asked out to see ab...