The year is 1833 and, following the return of an empty carriage, Elizabeth Darmon begins a harrowing odyssey that takes her across British North America in search of her missing family. Caught in a web of kidnapping, conspiracy and murder, the Englis...
Without a crew, a clipper ship heads into a violent storm. Helpless to navigate, the Darmon family, survivors of a cholera outbreak, fight for their lives before drifting to the coast of Bahia, where fishermen scuttle their vessel.
On land, the ca...
William Darmon and his wife Elizabeth were powerful figures in the countryside of County Kent-pillars of the community who set society’s pace from their expansive grounds known as Mayfair Hall. Now William’s brother-in-law, Charles, a novice poli...
In the spring of 1846, William and Elizabeth Darmon receive a mysterious letter from a soldier dying on a Punjab battlefield. Soon after, a Sikh refugee arrives at London dock pursued by a Russian agent who kills the warrior and kidnaps Elizabeth. Wi...
Two couples are stranded on Russia's east coast in the year of 1840, and their only option is a desperate attempt to cross the vast wilderness of Siberia to return to civilization. Survival is jeopardized by harrowing encounters with Cossacks, Manchu...
Shipwrecked on a Brazilian beach in the year 1834, two couples stumble onto a plantation where they find a knife in the owner's back. Harrowing encounters with Indians, escaped slaves and ruthless landlords conspiring to assassinate eight-year old fu...
Following the return of an empty carriage, Elizabeth Darmon begins a harrowing pursuit of her family's kidnappers. Alone, scared on the frontier of New Brunswick, she trails the kidnappers through deplorable conditions along the St. Lawrence River to...
William Darmon and his wife Elizabeth, owners of Mayfair Hall, fall victim to rival Forth family who introduce a bill into Parliament called the Writ of Confiscation. It will repossess the Darmon's ancestral home unless they can find their missing de...
William Darmon and wife Elizabeth were powerful figures who in 1818 set society's pace from expansive grounds known as Mayfair Hall. When a family member is murdered, a mysterious pendant is found containing a long lost request by Napoleon Bonaparte ...
In 1862, William and Elizabeth Darmon escape from Zanzibar, crossing hostile territory to Lake Victoria. Pursued by ruthless slavers, they flee to Niam Niam country in Darkest Africa. There, William is forced on a desperate mission to save his wife f...