New York Times Bestseller: The “gripping” true story of a beautiful Texas socialite, her ambitious husband, and a string of mysterious deaths (Los Angeles Times). Joan Robinson Hill was a world-class equestrian, a glamorous member of Houston high...
The Place, a colony of the deformed offspring of nuclear accident victims, flourishes peacefully--unknown to the outside world which is unknown to it--until the outside world threatens to invade this tranquility...
Domonic is a young man dislocated from reality, unable to distinguish the boundaries between dream, fantasy and the waking world. When he finds himself constrained to a hospital bed, the treatment the doctor gives him takes the form of a chess game, ...
Good and evil have clashed since the dawn of time, and no different is expected on planet Centra. Jay Thompson, son of a wealthy business owner, is thrown into a position of leadership when a force of evil men, known as the UNION invades the peaceful...