As a young woman in rural Jamaica, Dupree struggles to maintain a home for herself and the ailing aunt who is raising her after she was abandoned by her teenage mother. The effort of life with no electricity, running water, or money often leaves Dupr...
HOW HARD IS IT TO FORGIVE? After finding the biological mother who abandoned her as a baby, learning the identity of her birth father and her biological brother, Dupree is left distraught and betrayed. Like a volcano about to erupt, she vows to hav...
One of Jamaica's biggest drug lords finds himself at a crossroads between getting revenge on his enemies and the offer of God’s salvation... Raymond Brown, popularly known as Smooth Suave, is one of Jamaica’s biggest drug lords. With eight...
What do you do if people say you are born with the “mark of the devil,” especially in Jamaica where many believe in the spirits of good and evil? If you are Isabella “Bella” Pigmore, born with a birthmark so pronounced that she faces ridicule...