The passionate story of Elizabeth Lavenza, a girl rescued from poverty and raised by a remarkable noblewoman of Geneva, describes how the demise of her sensual bond with Victor Frankenstein sends him hurtling into a secret life, and along a path of d...
Silverman is a gay Jewish writer from San Francisco, so broke he takes a speaking gig in a Fundamentalist college in northern Minnesota. He plans to take the money and run...until he's trapped by a blizzard and forced to defend all he believes in--se...
Imagine having the power to observe the dreams of others-to have intimate knowledge of the most secret desires, the most dreaded terrors, the childish delights, the sexual fantasies of anyone you might choose. Then imagine having the power to enter t...
Julia Stein, a brilliant gerontologist, is entrusted with an exceptional case. Aaron Lacey is a child suffering from progeria, a condition that prematurely ages the boy and dooms him to an early death. Using extremely unconventional methods, Julia tr...