Manny Black fled the notorious streets of Colon, Pananma as a deadly fugitive. With nothing but a plan to make it rich in the Big Apple, Manny uses the power of his gun to pave the way. After crossing dangerous paths with a group of Cuban gangsters a...
Part 2 of an urban fiction book series based on Manny Black where crime,murder,love and erotic sex scenes are intertwined. Written by African American authors for a mass audience, these mystery thrillers will have you turning pages as Manny Black lif...
Part 1 of a book series based on Manny Black where crime,murder,love and erotic sex scenes are intertwined. Written by African American authors for a mass audience, these mystery thrillers will have you turning pages as Manny Black life unfolds. From...
In Tha Twinz’ third and final installment of their best selling series Crime Pays, Manny Black once again finds himself in a battle with the Cuban crime family Los Marielitos, a fight he thought he ended, but this time he’s prepared to bring the ...