Before commanding Class Zero of the elite magic academy Akademeia, before a bloody tragedy unfolded before his eyes, Kurasame was simply an Agito cadet of Class Three. Thus begins the tale of a legend, of a boy who would become one of the Four Ch...
As the Four Champions of Rubrum begin to gain notoriety, Kurasame's circumstances drastically change, and he begins seeking meaning within his endless battles. What is there to gain by fighting what lies ahead? The prequel to the Final Fantasy Type-0...
Dreams, friends to trust, someone to protect... With their mission coming to an end, the Four Champions of Rubrum take the time for some...romance and matchmaking?! But when another traitor is discovered within the Dominion, Kurasame must come to ter...
Hope or despair waits on the road that lies ahead... The betrayal of Kurasame's pride, beliefs, and friendships mercilessly robs him of something important... In a world beginning to move, the wounded young reaper must press forward! The story conti...
With no time to mourn the betrayal of a trusted friend, Kurasame and his companions are dispatched on a critical assignment--the assassination of Imperial Marshal Cid. But what is the hidden truth behind the greatest and final mission of the Four Cha...
As the one chosen by the Keyblade, Sora travels once again with his friends Donald and Goofy to reclaim his lost power. The first stop—Olympus! Sora’s hoping that his old friend Hercules might have a solution for him, but there seems to b...