Part two of the Time Police trilogy, finds once again, Draco endeavouring to alter the history of the world. Captain Columbo and his DATTpolice including Smoothie the vacuum cleaner lookalike, give chase through the corridors of time, ranging from th...
Children's science fiction adventure. When Josh recreates his Dad's aviation theories, he invents a material that repels gravity. When Josh and his friends attach an anti gravity harness to themselves, they can fly! They have many adventures, includi...
BYTES is a collection of short stories, comprising science fiction, fantasy and action, from Leprechauns to time travel, a lost dog to a lost city. There's stolen gold ingots, invaders from space and knights in armour....
Starting with a blinding flash of light, the Ring of Fire transported the town of Grantville, West Virginia, through time and space into the middle of the Thirty Years War. Now stranded in the brutal world of the seventeenth century, the lives of ...