While investigating a crime scene involving animal sacrifice, and occult activities, Malcolm is allowed by the detective in charge of the investigation, to act as a consultant on the things found at the scene. The layers of this mystery begin to reve...
It is the last of the tale to be told. Malcolm Harris, aided by his wife Rachel, and his team, has met and defeated four clans of vampires. Through the protection of his angels sent by the Lord God Almighty, he has met and overcome these minions of t...
Malcolm managed to keep the Book of the Dead from the Dragon, aka Eduardo Arrellano. When the team was reunited with all members present, the hunter/killer team went on the offensive, taking down the Purple Vampire clan. Princess Prieta escaped to he...
It is the last of the tale to be told. Malcolm Harris, aided by his wife Rachel, and his team, has met and defeated four clans of vampires. Through the protection of his angels sent by the Lord God Almighty, he has met and overcome these minions of t...