As a winter storm bears down on the Texas Panhandle, seventy-four-year-old Willa Jackson embarks on a plan to maintain her independence and fully realize her artistic talent. Her daughter, Melanie, is determined to take charge of her mother, although...
Dreams for a shared future united a modern rodeo cowboy and a nurse in West Texas. Grief and guilt from their separate pasts, debt, drought, constant hard work, and infidelity, threaten their present. What will it take to bring them back togeth...
Characters in the eleven stories in Nowhere Near act in ways that some might call “divinest madness.” Some of them have been pushed near their limits by years of stress. Others mourn and grieve and discover feelings they can’t admit aloud. A se...
Teddy Jones' earlier novel, Jackson's Pond, Texas began the saga of the Jackson family. Now, Slanted Light continues their tale.Claire Havlicek's late night call brings her brother Chris Banks from his home in New Mexico back to the town that bears t...
In Making It Home, the third novel in the Jackson's Pond, Texas series, Melanie Jackson is haunted by learning of the Ku Klux Klan murder of an African American man on Jackson Ranch in 1920. Now, in 2014, a modern-day Klan group led by Justin Reese, ...
Marva Cope, the fourth novel in the Jackson's Pond, Texas Series, brings new elements to the story of the small town in the Texas Panhandle. Marva arrives as the new postmaster in 2017. She brings with her a lifetime of hesitancy to open herself to o...