In the best Southern literary tradition, A Yellow Watermelon explores poverty and racial segregation through the eyes of an innocent boy. In rural south Alabama in 1948, whites picked on one side of the cotton field and blacks on the other. Where th...
Ted Dunagan, named 2009 Georgia Author of the Year in the young adult category for his debut novel A Yellow Watermelon, continues the saga of two adventuresome boys in this sequel, Secret of the Satilfa. Both books are set squarely in the Southern li...
In Ted Dunagan's third young adult novel, boyhood friends Ted and Poudlum, a white boy and a black boy who live in the rural segregated South of the 1940s, find their fishing trip interrupted by a Ku Klux Klan meeting. The boys accidentally learn the...
In Ted Dunagan's The Salvation of Miss Lucretia, young friends Ted and Poudlum continue their friendship despite the racial divide in the rural segregated South of the 1940s. On a trip to the forest where they plan to train their dogs, they stumble u...