In this short story by T.C. McCarthy, one ordinary woman with nothing to lose joins the French Foreign Legion and finds herself, and her comrades, pinned down in a bunker surrounded by enemies. Thousands of the mantis-like creatures swarm towards the...
In the distant future, on an ice-bound world, Choi Chung Ho is a loyal soldier in the Dear Leader's army. Stuck in a damaged tank with the American advance quickly approaching, he must find a way to survive. Survive the Americans, the blindly patriot...
Lev Sandakchiev is old and worn out. An indentured servant to a warrior alien race, he wonders if he'll survive his last assignment. If he does, Lev has a choice: return to Ukraine - on Earth - or stay in space as the master of his own indentured ser...
Humanity had just begun its first tentative steps towards conquering the Solar System when the aliens came and took it all away. Then they disappeared, leaving only wreckage in their wake. They have given us 100 years to get ready for the next phase ...
A YOUNG GIRL MUST INFILTRATE THE HOME WORLD OF HUMANITY'S GREATEST ENEMIES. New space opera from former CIA weapons expert T.C. McCarthy.San Kyarr is a noviate within a secretive holy order tasked by Fleet to infiltrate the home world of mankind&...