"These books are riveting! I could not put either of them down once I had started, and this is a series where the sequel is even better than the first book". ~ Shannon O Donnell, Book Dreaming In this sequel to Heiner's debut novel, Perilous, the F...
"Highly intriguing tale of murder and suspense!"-Ind'Tale MagazineThe future is not ever in motion.It's all a lie: the thought that the future can be changed. Jayne knows. She's been cursed to watch how the people around her will die, and no matter w...
Cassandra Jones is finally finding her place in her new school. Her dad decides to start a band, and Cassie eagerly joins, ready to prove her musical talent. But before she can even get started, she comes down with a rare illness. Will she make her d...
Cassandra is excited to celebrate her 11th birthday with her new friends from Arkansas. But when her party falls on the same day as another, more popular girl, she realizes that the people she thought were her friends might not be. Will anyone show u...
A collection of three twisted short stories.Witch Reborn: Trudy accidentally unleashes an evil power when she touches a cursed tree. As hard as she tries to fight the power, she slowly finds herself succumbing--and finally welcoming--the dark magic.S...
When Cassandra and her two best friends decide to start a club, she realizes it's going to be harder than she thought. She tries to hold it together as she and her friends weather parents who don't want to drive them, vicious dog attacks, and petty c...
What's special about Cassandra?Absolutely nothing. She's as ordinary as any other fifth grader. And yet her ordinary life is riddled with hilarious and sometimes heart-breaking mishaps as she guides herself through the world of pre-teens on the brink...
As Cassandra's first school year in Arkansas draws to a close, she feels pretty confident with how far she's come. She's made new friends, excelled in school, and joined a band. But then her teacher challenges her to push herself in a friendly compet...
Life is more than just breathing. Kylee Mansfield knows what it is to be alone. Her dad left when she was seven, and her mother remarried an abusive alcoholic. Kylee finds ways to escape reality, usually by substituting one pain for another. Things t...
Snakes and woods and spiders, oh my!Cassandra Jones returns home from a week with her grandparents, excited to go to summer camp and rest up before her last year of elementary school starts.But an unexpected accident lands Cassie in the hospital, and...
When Cassandra starts her sixth grade year of school, she expects to be the kid on top. She signs up for soccer, takes voice lessons, and decides to start running. But no matter how hard she tries, there's always someone better than her. Cassie start...
Excited for her first camping trip with her Girls Club, Cassandra buddies up with her friend Riley and hopes their friendship will become even stronger.It only takes a few hours for her to realize Riley doesn't have Cassie's best interests at heart. ...
When Cassandra's parents begin a pattern of fighting, Cassandra's friends warn her about the D-word: Divorce. Cassandra enlists her younger sister Emily to help their parents fall in love again.But when each of their attempts backfire pathetically, s...
When Esther moves in, Cassie welcomes the chance to help someone else through the same transition she went through when she arrived in Arkansas. But she quickly discovers making new friends is not on Esther's mind. Instead, she seems determined to de...
When Cassie's best friend gets a boyfriend, Cassie suddenly sees the boys around her in a different light. The bigger question is, will boys see her differently also? As Cassie struggles with peer pressure and expectations, she learns for herself tha...
What’s special about Cassandra Jones? Absolutely nothing. She’s as ordinary as any other 12-year-old.Except no matter how hard she tries, Cassie just can’t seem to fit in. Excited to fill the summer before her seventh grade year, Cassie enrolls...
It was Price Hudson's mother who died, but Price feels like it was him. Everything that he used to enjoy -- baseball, comics, even girls--seems petty and pointless now. He wants nothing more than to forget his old life and start over somewhere new, w...
Right on the heels of soccer camp, Cassandra heads to church camp. She's prepared for a week of misery with no electronics in the Arkansas heat, surrounded by girls who don't like her. The heat's worse than she expected, but when she takes a wrong tu...
It’s the end game that matters, and Cassie is losing fast. She’s at odds with her best friend, struggling with her weight, and longing to be part of the in-crowd. School is quickly overwhelming her, and it’s all she can do to keep on going.When...
The holidays are approaching, and Cassandra Jones is excited to give gifts and receive. But then she finds out her family is running out of money. While her mom and dad struggle to make ends meet, Cassie realizes that the best way to help is to set a...
Cassandra's seventh-grade school year is turning out to be a hot mess: she's trying to stay on top of assignments, home activities, and her passions. Instead of being on top, though, she feels she's quickly falling to the bottom. Something has to giv...
Seventh grade is almost over. Cassie feels like she’s somehow managed to survive the worst of it, but as the end draws near and she’s faced with awkward social situations and embarrassing family moments, she realizes she’s going to need to be m...
Seventh grade was the year Cassandra lost it all: her crush, her social status, and her best friend.This year she's taking it back. Starting with summer camp, where she intends to employ her new queen bee skills and become the most popular girl in th...
She's climbing the totem pole. Cassie can hardly believe it when the popular crowd at school notices her. She's been waiting for this moment for two years, and she's not about to let it pass her by.But it seems they don't want her quite the way she ...
Falling in love is the easy part. Arkansas. Solitude and nature. Time to breathe and rediscover herself. That's what Luce thinks she's getting when she returns home after her divorce. Instead, she meets Connor and falls, once again, in love. Connor ...
She's done it now. Cassandra's in the in-crowd. She's finally popular, finding a spot with her new friends, changing how she looks, and becoming the girl she always wanted to be. Or is she? Slowly Cassie realizes that the popular girls can't see...
Seventh grade was the year Cassandra lost it all: her crush, her social status, and her best friend.This year she's taking it back.She's determined not to let anything keep her from joining the in-crowd and becoming the It Girl. Even if it means chan...
It's time to show her hand.Cassie's been playing with fire for months, trying to lose weight so she can be beautiful and thin enough to be popular. But how much is too much? When her dieting starts to affect her health, even Cassie gets scared enough...
Boy crazy.That's the best word to define Cassie's group of friends, but there's always only been one boy on Cassie's mind.So when another starts showering her with attention, Cassie isn't quite sure how to react. Could this be her first boyfriend?...
How many kisses does it take to stay at the top of the popularity food chain?However many it is, Cassie's determined to keep her place. Even if it involves some crossed fingers and little white lies.Join Cassie for the most unforgettable year ever!...
Cassie’s had her first kiss, and it left something to be desired. Namely, any real feeling. But now that she knows she doesn’t like Josh any more, can she get out of this relationship without losing her social status with her friends?And how does...
Caden Parker's life is epic. It's dynamite. It's . . .A huge misadventure.Teachers call him a trouble-maker. His mom says he doesn't listen. His sister says he's mean.But none of it is Caden's fault. It's always someone else who causes the trouble, a...
It's the end of her ninth grade year. But while all of her classmates are getting excited about high school, Cassie has a different worry on her mind: her friends. She's felt the distance growing between her and her group of friends all year, and now...
Cassie and Ben finally get to experience their relationship outside of a camp setting, and she finds she really likes him. But how much? And how serious does she want this to be?And can she handle it if her school friends don't approve of him?The fun...
Cassie goes though an identity crisis when her relationship with Ben hits the rocks, and she feels a lot of it is her fault. She puts on a brave face and pretends to fit in while she struggles to understand herself and her desires. What will it take ...
Cassie's got two big goals for her spring: land a boyfriend and get the starring role in her school play.With Zack giving her attention, she thinks the boyfriend part will be easy. And her schoolmates think she's the perfect person for the play.What ...
High School will be the time of her life.And Cassie's ready for it.She's spent years making herself an It Girl. She's learned how to make herself be beautiful and desireable.And then something happens over the summe...
On the edge of greatness.Everyone at school is talking about Homecoming and who is going with who. The closer it gets, the more nervous Cassandra becomes. Will anyone ask her? Will she be the only sophomore without a date?Then Grayson moves in, Cassa...
Promises don't mean anything. At least, not when they come from boys. As the holiday season approaches, Cassandra tries to move past Grayson and his alluring accent, his kind smile, his bright eyes. But he won't let her. It's one step forward and two...
Cassandra's never been good at playing hard to get.But it seems like that's the name of the game. Just when Cassandra thinks she might succeed, an old friend shows up on the scene: this time in the form of a nemesis.Amity.Who will emerge victorious w...
Sweet Sixteen. When everything falls into place.Or doesn't.She's been waiting for this...Sixteen.Independence. Freedom. Driving.Dating.But from her first dance as an eligible girlfriend to her first car accident, responsibility comes crashing down on...
Cheerleading. The ticket that guarantees popularity.If Cassandra can just secure it.Grayson likes the cheerleaders, and Cassandra is determined to win him once and for all.Even if that means she has to become a cheerleader, something she swore she'd ...
Gold prize winner of the 2022 Wishing Shelves Book Awards.2022 Maxy Awards Finalist2022 National Indie Excellence Awards FinalistEvil exists. I know—I was created from it.The angels call us Renegades.We call ourselves the Forsaken.Because we w...
Season 7 in Cassandra Jones.Her hopes and dreams rise and fall with the ebb of the current of high school social life.Let him go.During the summer before her junior year, Cassandra is focused on one thing: getting over Grayson, the hearthrob of her s...
I betrayed them all. I delivered the dagger to the underworld.And yet, the masters of the academy did not expel me. Instead, they gave me my wings and told me there is a plan for me.A plan for me? Sometimes it seems they've forgotten who I am. What I...
Episode 2 of Season 7 in Cassandra Jones. Her hopes and dreams rise and fall with the ebb of the current of high school social life. Once again Cassandra finds herself involved with someone else's man-but this time she's going to fight for him. The c...
I wasn't created to feel. Certainly not to love.But I did. I fell in love with an angel, and I lost him.I have no hope of winning him back, but I will spend this year proving to him—and to myself—that I am not the same creature who dest...
Toxic relationships. Those that suck you in and hold you tight but don't allow you to grow or be your true self. When Cassandra realizes she and Oliver are stuck in a false, toxic relationship, she knows she has to break it off with him. But doing so...
Hell created me to infiltrate heaven and help bring about the fall of the Lightled angels.Hell underestimated me. The Great War between good and evil has begun, but I'm not on the sidelines this time. This time, I'm a general. I alone have the abilit...
Love is fire, and Cassandra is willing to get burned. Love finds Cassandra in the most unexpected place, and as much as she always thought she wanted it, she's caught by surprise. The force of the emotion bowls into her and takes her breath away, and...
Cassandra's broken. Her heart shattered into a million pieces when her parents forbade the romance between her and Tiago. She thought she would die when they threatened to send him home. But they didn't, and her heart kept beating, somehow. And now s...
She's not looking for a man. And he's not looking for a family. But somehow, they find each other.Ever since Amber found herself a single mom, she's struggled to provide the comforts of life for her and her young daughter. When the opportunity to bec...
Kylee's dead. Price is still getting over the trauma of her death. Still accepting life without her. That's when another ghost appears on campus. Except this time, she's haunting Margaret. The girl Price always feels sorry for because she's...
Cassandra is a terrible judge of character. After the turbulence of their junior year, she believed Tiago when he promised her forever. But one week in Brazil with him proves they have different definitions of love. Cassandra comes home less sure of ...
The first year of college for Cassandra Jones!Ready or not, college begins. And at first I'm lost in the eddies of new classes, new faces, and new expectations.Until I suddenly find myself in a rhythm. In a groove. I find myself branching out, growin...
Sweet Sixteen. When everything falls into place.Or doesn't.She's been waiting for this...Sixteen.Independence. Freedom. Driving.Dating.But from her first dance as an eligible girlfriend to her first car accident, responsibility comes crashing down on...
Das Leben ist mehr als nur das Atmen. Kylee Mansfield weiß, was es heißt, allein zu sein. Ihr Vater verließ sie, als sie sieben Jahre alt war, und ihre Mutter heiratete erneut einen Alkoholiker, der sie missbrauchte. Kylee find...
High School will be the time of her life. And Cassie's ready for it. She's spent years making herself an It Girl. She's learned how to make herself be beautiful and desireable. And then something happens over the summer, and Cassie sud...