Jump back into the world of Edward Kenway, lead character of the best-selling fan favorite game, Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, in this beautiful manga adaptation. Return to the Golden Age of Pirates once more and relive the adventures of the brillian...
A year has passed since the Fourth Great Ninja War, and Kakashi’s appointment as Hokage looms. But first he heads to the Land of Waves for a dangerous mission rescuing hostages from a top-secret airship. There he confronts a ninja whose heart is fr...
Two years after the Great Ninja War, Shikamaru spends his days racing around, hands full as one of Konoha’s key protectors. Then, large numbers of ninja from every region are reported missing. Even Sai disappears. And the place where the missing sh...
The Great Ninja War did not only harm adults, but left many damaged children behind. Medical ninja Sakura travels the land, opening clinics dedicated to healing children of the mental trauma they experienced. She learns of a series of attacks against...
Uchiha Itachi, four years of age. With the hell of war burned into his eyes, the boy makes a resolution: he will rid this world of all violence. The birth of Sasuke, meeting his friend Shisui, the academy, genin, chunin, and then the Anbu -- Itachi r...
A new series of prose novels, straight from the worldwide Naruto franchise. Naruto’s allies and enemies take center stage in these fast-paced adventures, with each volume focusing on a particular clan mate, ally, team…or villain. Uchiha Itachi...
Together with his sworn friend Shisui, Itachi takes on a mission to assassinate a spy in the village in order to join the Anbu. The rivalry between the Uchiha clan and the village grows ever more fierce, until finally death comes for his friend. D...
A new series of prose novels, straight from the worldwide Naruto franchise. Naruto's allies and enemies take center stage in these fast-paced adventures, with each volume focusing on a particular clan mate, ally, team...or villain....
Join us for this game-changing new chapter in the ongoing Assassin's Creed saga! With the Phoenix Project nearing its completion, tensions are running high for both the Brotherhood and the Templar Order. A new world order is on the horizon and only C...
After a vicious battle with a group of Assassins, Edward Kenway tries to get some downtime - and he bumps into some old sparring buddies. One of them takes Edward on a dangerous mission into the jungle where he meets a deadly new foe... In the presen...
The Great Ninja War has ended, but to untangle the mystery that remains, Sasuke sets out on a journey -- a journey that he hopes will allow him to atone for his sins. During his travels, those ninja faithful to the avenger Sasuke bring about tragedy....
It's the final part of volume one of Assassin's Creed Awakening, the story based on the Assassin's Creed Black Flag game. In the present day, Masato learns more about Abstergo Industries and deals with some unexpected injuries. In the 18th Century, E...
Assassin's Creed Manga - printed in English in the US for the first time!
Assassin's Creed Awakening is a manga adaptation of the Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag video game.
The title stars Edward Kenway in the 18th century and Ya...
Action-packed, intense and dangerous adventures on the high seas… It’s 1715, and Edward Kenway is a tough pirate in the Caribbean. A chance encounter with a mysterious figure sends him on a dangerous and action-packed mission involving A...
With Masato's mother in a coma and her life in the Templars' hands, will Masato be able to find the answers he seeks by continuing with Edward Senway's life as an 18th Century pirate turned unwilling Assassin? Or could this next voyage kill them both...
The World Warrriors take center stage in the first ever Street Fighter novel! Featuring Ryu VS Akuma, Chun-li VS Elena, Guile VS E.Honda, Sagat VS M.Bison, and many more classic fighters colliding in their most epic encounters yet. It's all described...
The World Warrriors take center stage in the first ever Street Fighter novel! Featuring Ryu VS Akuma, Chun-li VS Elena, Guile VS E.Honda, Sagat VS M.Bison, and many more classic fighters colliding in their most epic encounters yet. It's all described...
Assassin's Creed Awakening is a manga adaptation of the Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag video game. It was first serialized in the magazine Jump X and is now collected in this complete edition.
The title stars Edward Kenway in the 18th century...