"We live, as we dream—alone," Conrad revealed in Heart of Darkness. This novel by Tadeusz Konwicki, a Pole writing in his own language, is an extension of the theme of dream and life and their interlocking realities, and man's attempt...
The Polish Complex takes place on Christmas Eve, from early morning until late in the evening, as a line of people (including the narrator, whose name is Konwicki) stand and wait in front of a jewelry store in Warsaw. Through the narrator we are told...
As in his novel The Polish Complex, Konwicki's A Minor Apocalypse stars a narrator and character named Konwicki, who has been asked to set himself on fire that evening in front of the Communist Party headquarters in Warsaw in an act of protest. He ac...
This autobiographical novel recalls the first days of Polish Solidarity and the declaration of martial law as well as the author's Lithuanian childhood, his anti-Nazi and anti-communist activities, and his halfhearted conversion to communism and diss...
Shortly after accepting a marriage proposal from a gentry neighbor, Helena Konwick, a late-nineteenth-century Lithuanian, falls in love with a passionate and mysterious Jew...
Konwicki careens purposefully from private history (his vices, obsessive Lithuanian reveries, and advancing old age) to a time capsule of cultural history: to portraits of the artists, writers, actors, and film directors who accounted for the explosi...