After the sudden death of his beloved wife, Rysh Trell struggles to keep his life together and devotes everything to raising their son. When the King of Ansaroth seeks vengeance for the murder of his father, Rysh is forced to defend his home and fami...
War will be raged, soldiers will die, and blood will be shed, yet only one army can survive. The kingdom of Ansaroth has invaded Dusseldorf and it's up to the newly crowned princess Julia to unite her people. She must rely on old friends an...
An ancient darknes has returned, threatening the fate of humanity.Relationships are challenged as the line between enemy and ally is blurred. Dirk Stowen faces the greatest challenge yet; defeating the ancient Mathox who grow stronger by the day.With...
Only one hope remains for the survival of humanity. As an ancient prophecy comes to life, Gant Trell must band together the surviving armies to defeat the Mathox. With every battle, the Mathox grow stronger while humankind moves one step closer ...
History is written by the victors. Draxos is built upon stories long forgotten, of deeds unseen and words unspoken. The truth will be revealed to those who watch, listen, and open their minds to new possibilities. Follow eleven stories of a...
Mother-Daughter Symphony is a heartfelt and resonant exploration of the profound bond between a mother and her daughter. Like an intricately woven tapestry, this poem beautifully captures the essence of their relationship, from the tender moments of ...
This poem celebrates the profound love between a mother and her son. It depicts the mother's unwavering commitment to her child, promising to provide comfort, support, and guidance throughout his life. The poem highlights the mother's role as a prote...