A chilling tale of living dystopia in the Jim Crow era and a utopian shadow state that exposes the conflict between loyalty, morality and the forces of poverty, racism and supremacism.Written in 1899, Grigg's moving, terrifying book describes the Jim...
Unfettered: A Novel (1902) is a novel by Sutton E. Griggs. Sutton’s third novel is a story of violence and forced migration that explores and critiques the politics of liberalism and assimilation in twentieth century America. Although Griggs’ nov...
Overshadowed: A Novel (1901) is a novel by Sutton E. Griggs. Published just two years after his debut novel, Overshadowed takes a different angle on the political reality of African Americans than Griggs explored in Imperium in Imperio. Taking an iro...
The Hindered Hand (1905) is a novel by Sutton E. Griggs. Sutton’s fourth novel is a story of race and identity that explores and critiques the politics of liberalism and assimilation in twentieth century America. Although Griggs’ novels were larg...
Sutton Elbert Griggs (1872-1933) was an African American author, Baptist minister, and social activist. He is best known for his novel Imperium in Imperio: A Study of the Negro Race Problem, a utopian work that envisions a separate African American s...