In her ravishing and moving second novel, the bestselling author of In the Cut tells the story of Mamie Clarke, who sets out to lose herself in New York City.Having only previously known the fragile, magical world of her childhood on the lush Hawaiia...
Susanna Moore's new novel is set in a Hawaii whose shimmering beauty and melancholy traditions are at once seductive and dangerously hard to leave. Or so they prove for Clio, a thirteen-year-old runaway who is raised by her eccentric aunt Emma, a col...
A stunning, erotic thriller by the bestselling author of Whiteness of Bones. Following the gruesome murder of a young woman in her neighborhood, a self-determined woman living in New York City--as if to test the limits of her own safety--propels hers...
"Susanna Moore's novel astonished me--one of those brilliant objects that come along only rarely, all light on clear water, and then one realizes the faster currents underneath, the terrible swiftness of sex and time. "
--Joan Didion
In th...
Calcutta in 1836: an uneasy mix of two worldsâ€"the patient, implacably unchangeable India and the tableau vivant of English life created of imperialism’s desperation. This is where Lady Eleanor, her sister Harriet, and her brother, Henryâ€"the new...
At the heart of this electrifying novel is a crime of unfathomable horror and its effect on several profoundly different lives, each altered by a surprising connection to the others. We hear four brilliantly realized voices: Helen, an inmate at Sl...
Susanna Moore is best known for her critically acclaimed novels--complex and compelling works like In the Cut and My Old Sweetheart. Now, Moore's Light Years is a shimmering look at the early life of this cherished novelist. Taking the form of a Comm...
An elegant, haunting new novel from the award-winning author of "In the Cut" and "The Whiteness of Bones"--set in Germany on the eve of World War II, the story of one woman's journey of self-discovery as a continent collapses into darkness. Beatr...
A WALL STREET JOURNAL TOP TEN BOOK OF THE YEAR • This immersive, brilliantly subversive historical novel, inspired by a true story, is “set in 1855, follows 25-year-old Sarah Browne as she…heads west to the Minneso...