Three May Keep a Secret is a fast-paced mystery. Grace Kimball, recently retired teacher in the small town of Endurance, is haunted by a dark, past event, an experience so terrifying she has never been able to put it behind her. When a shoddy...
The story of two lives over a hundred years apart, both illustrating the resilience of women in the small town of Endurance. Grace Kimball, retired teacher, is writing for the Endurance Register and dating its editor, Jeff Maitlin. When he buys a...
Secrets long buried surround the murder of teenage Melanie Tippitt. The daughter of a wealthy family in a small town, her lifeless body was found floating in Tippitt Pond in the summer of 1971. Six people were there that day, and one was convicted...
Who knew going home could be deadly?I will show them success. Artist Jill Madison repeats this mantra when she returns to her small hometown to restart her life. Hired to manage a new community art center, she vows to make it successful so the people...
When Jill Madison returns to her hometown to become executive director of a new art center, she never would have dreamed unexpected secrets from the past would put her life in danger. When her parents' old friend, and Jill's mentor, Judge Ron Spivey,...