Accepting an invitation from her estranged grandmother, the countess of Brompton, Amilie Jasperton comes to Brompton Manor and finds herself faltering in a world of privilege that unravels her common sense. She has grown up the daughter of an impover...
The usually reliable and compliant Agatha Marple decides to dump her two-timing fiancé and run away from the small town and the eccentric family stifling her dreams. Settling in a large city, she embarks on a mission of self-improvement: Healthy foo...
Honey Benton is a twenty-eight-year old third-grade teacher who lives alone. Tired of wasting time with the wrong men and halfway through her voluntary yearlong sabbatical from dating, she adopts Bowser, a rescue dog. Not only is her dog a loving and...
Catherine Sutton is crushed when she fails to attract a marriage proposal after her first coming-out season. Since her viscount father passed away, the family’s resources have dwindled, and she dreads becoming a destitute spinster. But when she’s...