Inspired by the lore of her Native American heritage, this critically-acclaimed novel from Susan Power -- an enrolled member of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe -- weaves the stories of the old and the young, of broken families, romantic rivals, men an...
Roofwalker, made up of a unique combination of fiction and nonfiction, or "stories" and "histories," reveals the ways that native traditions and beliefs work in the lives of characters who live far from the reservation -- and in the author’s own l...
A Clan Mother story for the twenty-first century, Sacred Wilderness explores the lives of four women of different eras and backgrounds who come together to restore foundation to a mixed-up, mixed-blood woman--a woman who had been living the American...
Sam has always wanted to be a superhero but is having a tough time figuring out what his superpower is. With some help from his Mum and a new friend called Joe, Sam soon finds out that he has the best superpower of all. Join Sam and his friends as th...