Nineteenth-century Cape Cod is the backdrop for this lyrical picturebook about a young girl waiting for her father to return from an ocean journey. As the seasons pass, her baby brother learns to walk, storms come and go, and the girl wonders how her...
In a small Japanese village, a poor monk and his cat Tama live a simple life at the Kotoku Monastery. One day, a great storm passes through the village, and Tama is caught in the rain outside the temple. She waits under the eaves of a small shrine,...
A clever new spin on "Old MacDonald," this fun book explores the popular trend of urban farming. From rooftop farms and gardens on Manhattan high rises to neighborhood gardens in empty lots in Atlanta to hydroponic gardens in Seattle, growing food lo...
When Piper outgrows her favorite sweater, she must find a way to save it. A comforting picture book perfect for every kid who has a lovey or favorite piece of clothing. Piper loves Purpa, her favorite purple sweater. She wears it everywhere—to ...
Perfect for STEM and space storytimes, this musical mission to Mars will have young astronauts singing along as they learn the science of space travel.Explore the science behind a trip to Mars, from launch to landing on the Red Planet. Set to th...