'Memories of Rain marks the triumphant debut of a gifted and compelling voice...Gupta has built upon tradition and rendered it new and compelling. And she has done so in writing of the highest quality, perceptive, precise, and wholly original.'--Shas...
The title of this novel derives from the mysterious nature of the narrator's scientific discovery - a discovery which has brought him from Calcutta to London. In his crumbling garage laboratory, Promothesh has strayed perilously close to the meaning ...
A superbly crafted novel from award-winning Indian novelist Sunetra Gupta
After years of absence, American travel writer Max Gate returns to Bengal, to the beach home of his longtime friend, the businessman Byron Mallick. The occasion is a funeral...
Debendranath Roy, presumed dead, leaves behind a pale, languishing wife and a mystery that takes 20 years to unfold. His hidden passion for his brother's wife, his own wife's unrequited love and his niece's obsession to uncover the truth create the b...