A captivating debut fantasy inspired by the legend of the Chinese moon goddess, Chang’e , in which a young woman’s quest to free her mother pits her against the most powerful immortal in the realm and sets her on a dangerous path -- where choices...
The stunning sequel to Daughter of the Moon Goddess delves deeper into beloved Chinese mythology, concluding the epic story of Xingyin -- the daughter of Chang’e and the mortal archer, Houyi -- as she battles a grave new threat to the realm, in thi...
Return to Sue Lynn Tan’s highly acclaimed, bestselling Celestial Kingdom fantasy romance duology with this new compilation of stories from before, during, and after the events in Daughter of the Moon Goddess and Heart of the Sun Warr...
Not all fairy tales end happily ever after in this Cinderella-inspired fantasy by the bestselling author of Daughter of the Moon Goddess—for fans of Renée Ahdieh, Tahereh Mafi, and Stephanie Garber. Yining stopped believing in ...