This debut from a renowned Scottishfood writer is thestory of an innocent interest in family history that uncovers long-buried, dark family secretsCousins Mags and Christine are complete opposites, one conventional and the other bohemian. As family l...
At 7pm on 28th December 1879 a violent storm batters the newly-built iron rail bridge across the River Tay, close to the city of Dundee. Ann Craig, a wealthy woman, is waiting for her husband, a mill owner, to return home. From her window she sees th...
A novel based on the shocking true eighteenth-century story of a Scottish noblewoman whose own husband faked her death and exiled her to a remote island, where she could never be found.Edinburgh, January 1732. It’s the funeral of Rachel, wife of hi...
Montana is a thinker and a rememberer, and tomorrow is his Memory Day.He used to be a foster kid, but now he lives with New Mom, who adopted him.There’s a differentness about this momshe’s like a steady stream that gurgles.But Monta...
From the leading lady of Scottish historical mysteries comes her US debut novel: a shocking tale of betrayal and murder in the court of Mary, Queen of Scots. 1567, Scotland: no place for a woman. Mary, Queen of Scots, is forced to abdicate in favor o...
A wronged woman’s voice is reclaimed in this gripping tale of revenge and romance -- a medieval Gone Girl.Highland Scotland was no place for a woman in the early 1500s. Life was turbulent and short, battles were waged, and sisters and daughters wer...