A fresh new twist to the classic story follows Goldilocks, who, tired of her boring existence, travels to outerspace where she explores a Martian home and discovers that there is no place quite like home on Earth....
Every school has its share of bookworms.
Some schools have bugs in their computers.
And lots of schools have spelling bees. But this school has bears. This school has owls. This school is a ZOO!
From the ingenious mind behind My School's A Zoo and Dinosaur Surprise comes another hilarious and exciting picture book with tons of laughs for the whole family. When Billy Bob gets picked on by the meanest bully in town, he comes up with a plan to ...
Within lie fifty strange tales of horror, quirky science fiction, gripping thriller, laugh-out-loud comedy, eerie children's fables, cyberpunk, and steampunk. All under one thousand words each, all dependent on the last sentence of the previous story...