A hallucinatory and startlingly powerful first novel, a darkly visionary On the Road for the upcoming millennium, The Museum of Love traces the macabre and compelling journey of a young French Canadian from his oppressive home town on the shores of L...
In this surreal & dramatic novel set at the dawn of World War I, a German merchant ship wrecks, and its crew of five drift their separate ways. This extraordinary novel, moodily operatic in tone and by turns hallucinatory and brilliantly detailed...
A young man returns to the town of his youth after a period spent on the road. Unable to rekindle a high school flame, Cal Bedrick, who is Jewish, soon meets a very nice Catholic girl, Frannie Sinkiewicz, who falls hard for the troubled young man. Th...
Explore the life of Will Eisner, one of the most influential artists in the history of comics through the most appropriate medium: a graphic novel! From his immigrant roots and childhood in New York, starting his own comics studio and business, and t...