Eden Cain will end his life when the sun reaches the top of the barn door. He is spending his final forty-five minutes recalling the seemingly disparate events that chronicle his often awkward relationship with Elizabeth, the love of his life. Eden w...
Steven W. Horn’s techno-thriller THE PUMPKIN EATER is a fictional account of America’s attempts to improve the human species through eugenics. Sam Dawson discovers two tombstones for Eugene Eris a thousand miles apart with identical epitaphs. Sam...
Photographer Sam Dawson returns in this mystery series to clear himself as a suspect in the murder of a nursing home resident. Sam turns his camera toward the elderly and meets Hans Gottlieb, Depression-era carnival wrestler and former Olympian. Hans...
Stumbling across a child’s body while fishing in Wyoming’s Laramie range, Sam Dawson must unravel the truth as those closest to him get drawn into a dangerous web of revenge....
In NO GOOD DEED: A SAM DAWSON MYSTERY, photographer Sam Dawson is drawn into exploring who murdered a fourteen-year-old boy in one of the Old West's most baffling crimes....
In YESTERDAY CALLING: A SAM DAWSON MYSTERY, photographer Sam Dawson and his daughter are stalked by a dangerously vengeful psychopath for choices Sam made decades earlier....