One summer after the Second World War, Etienne visits his beloved grand-father near the French town of Mont Brulant. A two-m...
In this novel about tolerance, acceptance, respect, and love, a young boy comes of age on a beloved yet dilapidated farm, developing a deep understanding of himself and those he loves. “An exceptional book for that special group of readers that enj...
Each night before she goes to bed, Melinda counts the lights. Beginning with one, the night-light on her wall, she counts up to twenty airplanes. But she doesn't stop there! In ever greater panoramic sweeps, her imagination carries her farther an...
Everybody in Mrs. Hamilton's fifth-grade class thinks Rafi is merely clumsy. But when he keeps coming to school with serious cuts and bruises, Hannah, one of his classmates, begins to suspect he is being physically abused by his stepfather. Through h...
The Narrowest Bar Mitzvah: When a water main bursts outside the synagogue on the eve of Alex's Bar Mitzvah, Grandpa saves the day, moving the service and celebration to the extremely narrow house he built years ago. In the process the family discover...
Baseball is Dannys life but when the season opener is scheduled for the first night of Passover Danny faces the same dilemma that legendary Jewish pitcher, Sandy Koufax played. How important is the game? How important is his religion? How important i...
When letters begin sliding off the pages of the books in Mrs. Popham's library, her elementary school embarks on an adventure in creativity that forever changes the way the students think about reading and writing.With classes suspended, everyone fro...
What is this life if not an accumulation of days, days of doubt, days of splendor, days of awe-days that leave us breathless with wonder, stupefied with uncertainty, saturated with gratitude. In these brief, incisive essays on life in the opening yea...
On a crisp autumn day two centuries ago, a barefoot, bent old man hurries along a country lane in New England carrying an old pair of shoes stuffed with wild apples. Concealed in his coat and pants pockets, in his shirt and under his shapeless hat ar...
That dream again-the clanging, clattering donkey, the gypsy peddler, the storm-then waking in a pool of sweat, panting, panic-stricken, disoriented, still hearing the sound of his own terror-filled voice shouting Mama!" as lightning flashed and cold ...