Funny, incisive, heartbreaking, and at times wickedly cynical, this eclectic collection of short fiction by Steven Mayfield mines the soul of the American character, unearthing hope and despair, goodness and gloom, largesse and larceny. With four new...
In this whimsical, often funny, Depression-era tale, young Connor O'Halloran decides to share a treasure he's discovered on an isolated stretch of Northern California beach. Almost overnight, his sleepy seaside village is comically transformed into a...
It is 1925 when a love affair between enchantress Maggie Westinghouse and con man July Pennybaker upends the small town of Miagrammesto Station, tumbles it about, and sets it back down as Delphic Oracle, Nebraska. Will their love fulfill its destiny?...
With the Spanish flu pandemic on the rise, a former gold rush town -- once the largest city in the Pacific Northwest -- is threatened with extinction via eminent domain should their population fall below 125 citizens. To sav...
As the clock ticks down the final minute of World War II in Europe, Sixty Seconds tells the stories of nine people on both sides of the Atlantic -- a legendary war correspondent, a madwoman and her unwitting accomplice in a deranged assa...