The stories in this compelling collection capture people at crucial moments as they struggle to live inside the unfamiliar worlds that their lives have become. Each story speaks with the force of a confession, illuminating a secret life or a dirty se...
The Secret Mitzvah of Lucio Burke is a hilarious and memorable first novel about youth and passion, family and community, miracles and violence and baseball. This moving love story, also a richly imagined chapter of Toronto history, begins on a summe...
Hayward's darkly comic novel of adolescent anxiety reveals an unforgettable family caught in a state of mourning. Meet Jim Morrison--not the lead singer of the Doors who died a rock 'n' roll death in 1971, but a chubby seventeen-year-old living in...
When a debt goes bad... someone's looking to make a killing. Michael Field just lost his City job and his beautiful wife in one fell swoop. Unemployed and down on his luck, he's propositioned by one-time friend, Herbert Long. The job is non-negotiabl...
Erudite and funny, nostalgic and fanciful, these stories unlock the secret longings and unlooked-for victories that make up everyday life. Whether he finds himself in the stands at Yankee Stadium on Bat Day, or, as in "Aunt Daisy's Secret Sau...