A chilling collection of four Lovecraft’s tales adapted by Steve Jones who also adapted Herbert West: Re-Animator. Lovecraft is considered one of America’s most innovative and popular American horror writers. The master of the weird tale during t...
THE JOURNEY CONTINUES ...With the aid of the druids of Sparak Th'ur, Garat and his companions traverse the mountains of the west, along the river of exiled souls to arrive in the Eastlands. They escaped the wrath of the Cannatii, even as the Cannatii...
Prose and PoetryScars left by Life and LockdownThis book contains a collection of poems and short stories from a working class Walsall man spanning his incarceration during the Epidemic of Covid 19.It is a small volume containing some self-criticism ...
What can one do if he or she is trapped in an unwanted occupation with no way out? Eric J. Stones, a lifelong illustrator, enlists in the military to pursue an occupation as a medical illustrator. He finds his hopes dashed when he is assigned as a Fi...
Hey, Ms. Warne, begins Steve's summer writing assignment, as he writes about his first MAX ride of the summer. He's landed a job that requires him to ride the Portland MAX train from one end of the line to the other end every day.Steve narr...