When Darwin Hunter decides to update Over Yonder Hill (Alton Blanchard’s history of the tiny Vermont hamlet of Upper Granville), the result is Beyond Yonder, a chronicle of the cultural divide between the entrenched natives and the invaders from th...
Upper Granville, Vermont, is home to long-time residents known as Chucks and recently arrived suburbon refugees known as Flatlanders, and state senate candidate Darwin Hunter manages to amuse and disgust both groups with his campaign policy of "total...
Democracy has been read its last rites and the political machine has run wildly and dangerously off course. Not that anybody raises an eyebrow on the sun, beer and condom drenched beaches of Magaluf - nobody aside from the mysterious, older than your...
Poisoners are usually both clever and devious. 'Nurse' Waddingham was certainly not the former, but definitely the latter. September 1935 brought to Nottingham what would prove the most famous murder in the City during the inter-war years. This centr...
Darwin's evolution is now complete. Darwin Hunter made his literary debut more than twenty years ago when he chronicled the lifestyle warfare taking place in idyllic rural Vermont between the entrenched natives ("Woodchucks") and the invaders from th...
What if Dwarfs, Elves and Magicians were not a fantasy, but one possible outcome of earth's future? That is what this story's four heroes are about to find out. A Marine, a college Student, a Horticulturist, and a Thief are seized by a wizard who is ...
Witchcraft! Ghosts! Vampires! Tarot Cards! A historically rich page-turner set in medieval Eastern Europe.... Dark deeds of the past echo down through the years creating a monstrous memory that only an intrepid band of scholars can dispel. This grip...
How the strategies and tactics of fly fishing can translate to improved trading performance Much like trading, successful fly fishing requires both an understanding of "big picture" conditions and the ability to implement tactical techniques to actu...
Witchcraft! Ghosts! Vampires! Tarot Cards! Magdalena, a bored secretary at Charles University in Prague, has come to the aid of Fen'ka, a woman lynched by a mob for witchcraft in 1356. Unknown to Magdalena, Fen'ka cursed the city as she died and Magd...
A book of short stories may not, these days, be fashionable in publishing eyes. The sixteen presented here are not just a good read, they are helpful to those learning the art of clinical medicine. And if there is also an interesting history the book...
LIBAHUNT! Alexei breaks the terms of the wolf-magic he inherited from his grandfather and loses the ability to control the shapeshifting. His grandfather's magical wolf-pelt was meant to protect their rural village in 1880s Estonia by fighting the te...
This is a novel about true love in a time of fake news. Stella Kelly retreats to Berlin to rescue her academic career by writing a seminal text. Increasingly and unaccountably anxious, she instead writes her memoir. Stefan Selbst, the iconic German a...
Can you always trust Kindness? The ghost writer of her autobiography thought so. The government that made her Lady Kindness and its minister thought so too. Kindness definitely believed it, but fact checking left some big questions unanswered. Wh...