A love story bounded by the extremes of loss and desire, 'The Singing' tells the story of two people who fail each other in the ravages of illness. Years later they remain haunted by what they were unable to hold onto, and struggle to find a way to r...
In the tradition of The Hours and Revolutionary Road comes a “beautifully written and atmospheric” (Hannah Kent, author of Burial Rites) novel set in England, Australia, and India in the early 1960s. Cambridge, 1963. Charlotte is struggling. W...
When Stella's father, Leon, disappears in September 2001, the police knock at her door. She baulks at their questions, not sure how to answer. 'What if I just write it down for you.' One summer, a long time ago, Stella sat watching her father cry wh...
For fans of Lisa Halliday and Susan Choi, The Anniversary is a simmering page-turner about an ascendant writer, the unresolved death of her husband, and what it takes to emerge on her ownNovelist J.B. Blackwood is on a cruise with her husband, Patric...