Struggling with his feelings of alienation and his fear of his strange powers, Amant, a young musician, discovers the extent of his great musical talents, the value of extrasensory skills, and his destiny...
In 1966, a child is found abandoned in a rocket ride on Cape Canaveral. Traumatized, she could not speak when the police found her, only a few yards from her dead mother. So first responders called her “Baby Rocket.” As an adult, this child (C...
“Content Burns” chronicles the parallel stories of two women from the same family who bear the same Puritan name, Content Burns, and who are separated by three centuries: One born a Pequot Indian, originally named Ásawanuw (Corn-silk), ...
As the novel opens, marine biologist Claire Holt is at a frustrating crossroads. Having spent her career experimenting on asteroidea, commonly called starfish, and trying, without success, to transfer their regenerative capabilities to mammals, she...