In The First Shot, eleven-year-old Charles Miller goes back in time to the Battle of Lexington in 1775 after being visited by Ben Sampson, who lives in 1775 and mysteriously appears in the Miller home in Lexington. The two boys participate in the eve...
"Actually, George Washington is pretty cool." That's what Charles Miller thinks of the new commander of the American Continental army. In 1776, twelve year-old boys didn't say someone was cool. But Charles isn't from 1776. He lives in 2007 and has tr...
"I Was Morgan Fairchild's Love Slave" is a general audience comedy novel guaranteed to deliver laughs on nearly every page. The novel recounts the story of author Stanley Harris's trip to Southern California in 1971 where, while hitch-hiking from San...
It is June of 1776, the second year of the American Revolution. The Continental Congress, meeting in Philadelphia, appoints five men to prepare a draft of a document that proclaims America's independence from Britain. Three of the men are Thomas Jeff...
This is a fictionalized biography about an individual who happened to practice law in Georgia. This book presents interesting legal situations along with other events. Another feature is the presence of numerous client situations which range from the...