A top-secret account of the people and powers that make up ZODIAC. Includes an exclusive preview of Stan Lee's upcoming illustrated novel, Zodiac! When twelve magical superpowers are unleashed on the world, a Chinese-American teenager named Steve...
Stan Lee presents a brand new, magical, super-powered adventure! When twelve magical superpowers are unleashed on the world, a Chinese-American teenager named Steven will be thrown into the middle of an epic global chase. He'll have to master str...
In this second illustrated novel of The Zodiac Legacy series, the dangerous dragon power only grows stronger within Jasmine, and Steven struggles to hold their ragtag team together. But as alliances become strained, the line between the "good guys" a...
When twelve magical superpowers are unleashed on the world, a Chinese-American teenager named Steven will be thrown into the middle of an epic global chase. He'll have to master strange powers, outrun super-powered mercenaries, and unlock the mysteri...
Steven Lee, fifteen-year-old leader of the Zodiac team, wields the awesome power of the Tiger-but now he's missing. So when a high-speed train runs amok in France, it's up to the other members of the team to stop it: Liam, the powerful Ram; Duane, th...
Steven Lee always thought that having superpowers would make him happy, make life easier, and make everything more fun. He was wrong. Steven, now 16 years old, has spent years living with the power of the Tiger. But now, on the edge of a catastrophe ...