Against the backdrop of windswept, coastal Ireland, two people are brought together under unlikely circumstances. One scarred by tragedy, the other by betrayal. Branna O’Mara never expected to be orphaned at the age of twenty-three. When she lost h...
In a sleepy beach town in Coastal Carolina, two lost souls learn the destructive nature of secrets and the healing power of love. Captain Aidan O’Brien is a decorated Officer of the Royal Irish Regiment. While on a personal mission with his brother...
An Garda Síochána have patrolled the cobbled streets of their storied capital for nearly a century. Within the heart of their headquarters, a bloody secret is revealed.The tortured, brutalized bodies of young women are being discovered in the shado...
The history of the O’Brien family is as rich and complex as the land that bore them. They are as fierce as they are loyal, but when a horrific tragedy casts a shadow over their tight-knit clan, it leaves an empty seat at their table. Liam O’Brien...
Cross the bridge to the spring, and wish your heart’s desire…Caitlyn O’Brien left for Brazil in the aftermath of a heartbreaking loss. As much as she loves her husband, he can’t help her with the grief and disappointment that plague her life ...
Rose Tierney leads a simple life in Ballyclare, Northern Ireland. Raised by her granny, her only wish is to become a nurse and provide for her small but broken family. She never planned on setting foot in London ever again. But when her brother falls...
Set in 1978 during “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland, this prequel novel to The O’Brien Tales tells the story of two young people whose love will inspire the generations to come.Sean O’Brien is a new Garda Officer assigned alongside his brot...
With the arrival of autumn comes peace at last for the O’Brien family. Or does it? The fall brings with it a small girl’s visions, an incoming storm, and a season for revelations.Finn Murphy is the luckiest of men. Married to the fierce and beaut...
Duty calls for the youngest O'Brien son. Then in a flash of heat, smoke, and flame comes a time of great suffering.Seany O'Brien has kept with family tradition, choosing a career as a first responder. But his choice brings risk and heartbreaking sacr...
Inishean Lighthouse stands as a beacon to seafarers on the western edge of Ireland. This tale will cross the centuries as two men take their place as the keepers of the light.In the mid-nineteenth century, Ciarán McCrohan moves to the small, r...
Dr. Antonio Rinalto has lived abroad in Brazil for over a decade. There are reasons why he left his Tuscan home, for among the vines of Viti del Fiume, family secrets linger. When Antonio is suddenly called home to Italy, he will learn the po...
Spanning over two decades, from the wild coast of a Tasmanian penal colony to the west coast of Ireland, an exiled rebel's betrayal precedes his return to his homeland.In mid-nineteenth-century Ireland, a small girl arrives on the same dock her mothe...
The love between Aoife and David O'Brien has served as a beacon for generations of O'Briens. But they weren't always the matriarch and patriarch of the large family in County Clare.Aoife Kerr lives a simple life in Donegal, the forgotten county at th...
The O'Brien family once again finds themselves ensconced in a criminal investigation when a young asylum seeker washes ashore on Dublin's rocky coast. Cormac Carrington relocated to Ireland to be closer to his O'Brien kin. While exploring employment ...