Combining Stacey May Fowles’s humorous, biting prose with Marlena Zuber’s whimsical and raw illustrations, Fear of Fighting searches for meaning in the mundane. Set in the lonely, urban landscape of downtown Toronto, the story revolves around Mar...
When being good isn’t enough … Ronnie, a hairdresser with a history of recklessness, feels stifled by the predictable, comfortable life laid out before her with her liveâ€"in boyfriend. Charlie is an anxietyâ€"ridden awardâ€"winning writer, burde...
Stacey May Fowles’ debut picture book is a whimsical, warmhearted story of how a super-special surprise can lead to anxiety — or invite imagination. One beautiful fall day, Fern opens her mailbox and finds an envelope. After much worrying...