Originally published in 1980, the first crime thriller to feature Detective Inspector Benjamin Jurnet, in which a small village is disrupted by the formation of a cult around an ancient statue discovered nearby and the death of a pilgrim on the day o...
It is with a minimum of enthusiasm that Inspector Ben Jurnet agrees to attend a concert of the rock group Second Coming with his fiancee, Miriam, who has miraculously obtained tickets. If nothing else, he will find out what all the fuss is about. But...
Tiny Angleby was the site of a gathering of the world's greatest physicists celebrating the first man to advance the theory of a random universe. But it's a shame, muses Inspector Ben Jurnet, that the professor won't be able to enjoy the observance ...
As a young girl, the author struggles to cope with the death of her father, her mother's absence, the two eccentric teachers with whom she lives, life in a Norwich girls' school, and approaching adolescence...
Detective Inspector Benjamin Jurnet is reunited with his true love, Miriam, but their romantic tryst outside the quaint English village of Lanthrop is rudely interrupted when they find a corpse in a sand dune...
When a car bomb meant for him kills Miriam, the woman whose hand he has been trying to win for years, Detective-Inspector Ben Jurnet sets out to find the culprit. By the author of
Detective Inspector Ben Jurnet is dating again after the tragic death of his fiance+a7e, but in the midst of investigating the murder of a idealistic political activist, Ben struggles to sort out his own life without his beloved Miriam....