A compelling anthology of never-before-published fantasy fiction represents an array of genres, including fable, fairy tale, epic quest, urban mystery, and more, by such acclaimed talents as Janny Wurts, Hal Duncan, Juliet E. McKenna, Tim Pratt, Jake...
An anthology on the theme of Alternative History and Crime, featuring stories from the genre's foremost writers. Contributors include: Kage Baker, Stephen Baxter, Tobias Buckell, Pat Cadigan, Paul Di Filippo, Jon Courtenay Grimwood, Theodore Judson, ...
Extraordinary Engines: The Definitive Steampunk Anthology assembles original stories by some of the genre's foremost writers. Edited by Nick Gevers, this collection includes brand new stories by Stephen Baxter, Eric Brown, Paul Di Filippo, ...
The tread on the landing outside the door, when you know you are the only one in the house. The wind whistling through the eves, carrying the voices of the dead. The figure glimpsed briefly through the cracked window of a derelict house. Editor Jonat...
Judges have the toughest job on the mean streets of Dredd's Mega-City One, and sometimes the temptations of crime are too much and they cross the line. This is what happens when Dredd finds out.With crime being rife on the tough streets of Mega-City ...
An ex-Judge is out for revenge on Judge Dredd. Comics' legends Grant Morrison and Mark Millar and powerhouse artist Carlos Ezquerra deliver a thrilling tale of vengeance in Mega-City One.Ex-Judge Grice was sent to the penal colony on Titan for attemp...
Dredd versus Werewolves. Mega-City One -- a vast urban nightmare built upon the post-apocalyptic ashes of North America’s east coast. Beneath her lies the ‘Undercity’ -- ruined remains of what was once known as New York City. Now it is a deadl...
This amazing collection of new fiction has an extraordinary list of contributors, it is the very first commercial collection to feature an original short story from the international no.1 bestseller Audrey Niffenegger, author of The Time Traveller's ...
The critically acclaimed editor of Magic, The End of The Line and House of Fear has brought together the contemporary masters and mistresses of the weird from around the globe in an anthology of travel tales like no other. Strap on your seatbelt, sho...
An original collection of new short science fiction from the biggest and most exciting names in the genre. The latest in the Infinities collections edited and commissioned by multiple award-winning anthologist Jonathan Strahan. What happens when h...
A cabinet of magic! A cavalcade of wonder! A collection of stories both strange and wondrous, of tales filled with wild adventure and strange imaginings. Fearsome Magics, the second New Solaris Book of Fantasy, is all these things and more. It is, we...
In a world of chances, one decision can bring down the house, one roll of the dice could bring untold wealth, or the end of everything. In this anthology of all new short stories the players gather, their stories often dark, and always compelling. ...
It is the time of Shakespeare. Storms rage, armies clash, magics are done - and stories are made. Five new great and terrible tales reshape the Bard’s vision, a new set of stories that will be told and retold down through the centuries. It is ...
Sherlock Holmes as you've never seem him -- or is it her? -- before, as the Great Detective travels through time and across continents to master a set of three new mysteries. A STUDY IN STARLETS by Gini Koch Sherlock Holmes and her partner Dr. ...
The brand new anthology from multi-award winning editor Jonathan Strahan, featuring stories set in futures wracked by the deluge, from some of the best writers in SF, including Kim Stanley Robinson, Ken Liu, Paul McAuley, Kathleen Ann Goonan, Charlie...
One house, five hauntings, five chilling stories. FIVE STORIES HIGH is a collection of five novellas each set in the same house -- Irongrove Lodge. This five story Georgian mansion, once a grand detached property, has now been split into five apar...
A fascinating collection of new and classic tales of the fearsome Djinn, from bestselling, award-winning and breakthrough international writers. Imagine a world filled with fierce, fiery beings, hiding in our shadows, in our dreams, under our skin...
The perfect series to read following the cult smash-hit movie Dredd, starring Karl Urban. High-octane fiction origin of the iconic lawman, Judge Dredd Detailing the second brutal year of Judge Dredd’s beat as a full-eagle judge on the mean st...
WE ARE NOT ALONE … MORE’S THE PITY. 'Alien invasion' is one of the oldest devices in modern science fiction, dating back to Wells’ The War of the Worlds. It spoke to the paranoia of mid-twentieth-century life, spawning such classics as Invas...