Sword-bearer Shkai'ra and her companion, Megan, dagger-wielding thief and mistress of illusion, are caught in a life-or-death struggle between rival magical powers as a deadly secret threatens to destroy the balance of peace and the Fehinnan Empire...
After learning that her kidnapped son has at last been traced to Arko, currently under siege by the multinational forces of brilliant young general Chevenga Lion's Heart, Megan Thane becomes a mercenary in Chevenga's motley army. It's only a matter o...
WELL MET IN ILLIZBUAH In the Fifth Millennium there was no city larger, wealthier or more corrupt than Illizbuah: Queen of the Lannic Ocean, home to the mad immortal God-King of Fehinna, metropolis of the continent of Almerkun. The intrigues of it...